employer paid & voluntary

Whether your organization decides to offer life, disability, dental or vision insurance to all of your employees or a select group of key employees, you have the choice to fully sponsor the plan(s) or offer them on a voluntary basis. While both options have advantages and disadvantages, advantage benefits group will assist your organization in providing these benefits in a way that can help attract and retain top performers while boosting employee appreciation.

market leverage

Through our years of experience, advantage benefits group has achieved a substantial competitive advantage over other agencies with our marketplace leverage. As a result of our direct access to insurers, we receive lower than standard market prices that we pass on to our clients. The result is a significant savings for your organization.

contract analysis

Your organizations contract will determine the legal framework under which features of your policies are enforced and should be designed to meet your specific needs. Advantage benefits group will analyze your contract to ensure your organization is getting the most out of its benefits.

funding recommendations

A key component to plan design is to decide on an appropriate financial basis for the plan. Advantage benefits group will help your organization determine which type of funding is the best choice, whether that may be under a participating plan or a nonparticipating plan.

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